Overcoming Construction Cash Flow Challenges with Outsourced Accounting

Seven workers standing on a construction job site

The construction industry is a vital sector driving economic growth and infrastructure development; however, it comes with its own set of financial challenges that can hinder progress and profitability.


From fluctuating demand and seasonal work patterns to long payment cycles and cost overruns, construction companies often face cash flow constraints that affect their operations.


Effective cash flow management is crucial in construction projects to ensure the availability of funds for materials, labour and equipment. Without proper control and forecasting, delays in payments, unexpected expenses and inadequate cash reserves can lead to project disruptions, strained relationships with suppliers and subcontractors and even financial instability.


To overcome these challenges, construction companies are increasingly turning to outsourced accounting as a solution. Outsourced accounting involves delegating financial management tasks to specialized firms that provide comprehensive accounting services. This approach offers numerous benefits and 6 of them are highlighted in our previous blog The Power of Outsourced Accounting.


How do you overcome cash flow challenges in construction with outsourced accounting?


Let’s get started!

Low angle photography of a grey tower crane

Cash Flow Challenges in Construction

Cash flow challenges are a constant concern in the construction industry, primarily due to the unique nature of the business. Several factors contribute to these financial hurdles which creates obstacles and construction companies must navigate them effectively.


#1: Seasonal Nature of Construction

The seasonal nature of construction work significantly impacts cash flow. The industry often experiences fluctuations in demand during peak construction periods followed by periods of reduced activity. Your expenses may remain constant while your income fluctuates throughout these periods.


#2: Long Payment Cycles and Delayed Receivables

Construction projects typically involve extended payment terms with clients and stakeholders often taking their time to settle invoices. This is the case even with the Construction Act that came into effect on October 1, 2019 in Ontario. This delay may lead to cash flow gaps which may make it difficult for companies to cover immediate expenses.


#3: High Upfront Costs and Project Financing

Construction projects typically require substantial upfront investments in materials, equipment, labour and various permits. Securing project financing and managing debt obligations further adds to the complexity.


#4: Unpredictable Project Delays and Cost Overruns

Construction projects are always susceptible to unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions, regulatory challenges or unforeseen site conditions. Also, this may be the case if you’re waiting for another company to deliver the material or perform the work. These can impact the project timelines, budgets and disrupts the expected cash flow.

A model of a construction site in a city

The Benefits of Outsourced Accounting in Construction

Outsourced accounting services offer a range of significant benefits to the construction industry, providing valuable support in overcoming financial challenges and streamlining operations. Here is a summary of the benefits along with why it’s an advantage:

  • Access to Specialized Expertise in Construction Accounting

  • Scalability and Flexibility to Meet Changing Business Needs

  • Improved Accuracy and Timeliness of Financial Reporting

  • Enhanced Cash Flow Forecasting and Management

  • Cost-Effective Alternative to In-House Accounting


Access to Specialized Expertise in Construction Accounting

Construction accounting involves unique principles and practices such as project cost tracking, contract management and revenue recognition. Outsourcing to a specialized accounting firm ensures that construction companies can tap into the knowledge and experience of professionals who understand the intricacies of the industry.


Scalability and Flexibility to Meet Changing Business Needs

The accounting needs of a construction business can fluctuate depending on project volume and the company’s growth trajectory. Outsourcing allows for easy scalability and flexibility as the accounting services can be adjusted to match the changing needs of the business.


Improved Accuracy and Timeliness of Financial Reporting

By entrusting financial and management reporting to experts, construction companies can ensure their financial statements and management reports are prepared accurately and timely. Timely reporting enables sound decision-making and aids in project budgeting and cost control.


Enhanced Cash Flow Forecasting and Management

By leveraging specialized software and financial expertise, outsourced accounting firms work with members of your team for accurate cash flow projections, enabling better planning and allocation of resources. Improved cash flow management helps navigate the various challenges mentioned earlier.


Cost-Effective Alternative to In-House Accounting

Managing an internal accounting team involves significant costs that typically includes hiring, training, salaries, benefits and infrastructure like computer and office equipment. Turnover is also quite costly as you would need to incur hiring and training costs again.


When members of your internal accounting team are on vacation or away from work, either all accounting work stops which means your business stops or other team members are forced to learn and cover for work that may cause additional stress to them.


Outsourcing eliminates these expenses allowing your construction business to redirect resources toward core operations and project investments.

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How Outsourced Accounting Can Help Overcome Cash Flow Challenges

Outsourced accounting services play a crucial role in helping construction companies overcome cash flow challenges by implementing various effective strategies and processes, especially outsourced accountants who have a deep understanding of the industry.


By leveraging these capabilities, construction companies can mitigate financial risks and achieve long term financial stability.


Here are 5 ways how they can help you overcome cash flow challenges:

1️⃣ Invoice Tracking and Collection Management

By diligently monitoring outstanding invoices, sending timely reminders to clients and following up on overdue payments, they can help you accelerate cash inflows and minimize the impact of delayed receivables. Cash flow is extremely important so you can keep your business running while growing your company.


2️⃣ Streamlining Accounts Payable Processes

By leveraging specialized expertise, outsourced accounting services efficiently handle invoice processing, vendor management, payment scheduling and even change management. Another important aspect is ensuring that you have received all the documents relevant for the particular invoice like insurance certificates or WSIB clearance certificates.


As you already know, payments in the construction industry vary depending on the project or client. It could be paid on a monthly basis, paid as a deposit, based on reaching a certain milestone or even pay-when-paid which is very common.


This streamlined approach ensure that payments are paid at the right time which helps to improve the cash flow and increase vendor satisfaction.


3️⃣ Budgeting and Cost Control Measures

Outsourced accounting provides valuable support in budgeting and cost control measures. With the estimate you have created during the bid, these services assist by creating comprehensive project budgets, tracking and allocating expenses accurately to the job and the job cost code and may also identify cost-saving opportunities for you.


Effective cost control measures can help optimize your cash flow, ensuring that expenses and commitments remain within the budgetary constraints.


4️⃣ Real Time Financial Reporting and Analysis

Real-time financial reporting and analysis is another way outsourced accounting firms can help you overcome cash flow challenges. These services typically leverage advanced software and reporting tools to provide construction companies with up-to-date and accurate financial reports.


Real-time financial information is crucial in making sound decisions, monitoring project profitability and identifying potential cash flow bottlenecks before they become significant issues.


5️⃣ Cash Flow Forecasting and Proactive Financial Planning

Lastly, these services excel in cash flow forecasting and proactive financial planning by using historical data, market trends, project timelines and working with your project team to generate accurate cash flow projections.


This helps you have a clear understanding of any future cash inflows or outflows so you can adjust your financing strategies ensuring that you have sufficient liquidity to meet your operational needs.

Three men sitting with laptops watching man beside whiteboard

Best Practices for Integrating Outsourced Accounting in Construction

Integrating outsourced accounting in the construction industry requires careful consideration and effective management practices to ensure a seamless collaboration. Here are some best practices to follow:


Communication and Collaboration with the Accounting Partner

Establishing open lines of communication and maintaining regular contact enables a strong working relationship. Construction companies should provide the accounting partner with clear project objectives, timelines and expectations to ensure alignment. The accounting partner should also do the same.


Establishing Clear Financial Processes and Protocols

Clearly defined roles, responsibilities and workflows ensures smooth coordination between both parties. Establishing standardized procedures facilities consistency and accuracy in financial management. Your accounting partner can work with you to develop effective workflows and processes to reduce bottlenecks and increase efficiency.


Regular Monitoring and Review of Financial Reports

Construction companies should proactively review and analyze financial reports provided by the accounting partner to enable prompt identification of potential issues, trends or discrepancies. Earlier identification allows for timely corrective actions and informed decision-making.


Leveraging Technology for Seamless Data Sharing and Integration

Although the digital adoption may be slower for construction companies, they should be exploring more digital tools and software that facilitates secure data exchange and seamless collaboration between various parties to realize efficiencies, minimize errors and increase transparency. Your outsourced accountant works with you to implement technology that works best for your company’s processes and long-term vision.


Ongoing Evaluation and Adjustment of Outsourcing Arrangement

Construction companies should regularly assess the performance of the accounting partner as it helps to identify areas of improvement, addresses any challenges and ensures that the outsourcing arrangement remains aligned with the company’s evolving needs. 

Light bulb post-it on a tack board

Your Turn

If you’re the owner of a small business or start up in the construction industry, you’re most likely facing these cash flow challenges above and you’re thinking of how to overcome them. There is one optimal solution for you and that is Outsourced Accounting Services!


This blog focused on the key benefits of Outsourced Accounting Services for the construction industry, how they can help you overcome these cash flow challenges and best practices for integrating your outsourced accountant. This is a strategic solution for your accounting needs because you can gain access to Specialized Expertise, Scalability and Flexibility, Accurate and Timely Financial Reporting, Enhanced Cash Flow Forecasting and Management and it’s a Cost-Effective Alternative.


How else can Outsourced Accounting Services help you?

Partner with us and let us handle your accounting burden while you focus on what you do best!


Unlock your business’s full potential by outsourcing your accounting needs to us. With our firsthand experience in accounting management roles within small to medium sized businesses in the construction industry, we bring the experience and insight necessary to drive your financial success.


Contact us today to explore how our outsourced accounting services is the optimal solution for you!


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At JTL CPA, we are Ontario’s virtual accounting firm. Our goal is to automate your accounting and bookkeeping processes in a way that increases financial visibility. Pair that with our value-added approach and tailored advisory solutions gives you the ability to make sound decisions from good data. Check out our website here: https://www.jtlaccounting.com.   

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Leveraging Outsourced Accounting to Manage Construction Costs


The Power of Outsourced Accounting